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ADHD and Vision Therapy

At Vision For Life and Success, it is our goal to properly diagnose a patient with symptoms of a vision problem. Children with symptoms of ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, may need a functional vision exam to determine if the issue is related to their vision, is not ADHD, or is a combination of both conditions. The symptoms of ADHD and symptoms of a vision problem can be very similar.

With schools back in session, bringing awareness to ADHD is important. October is also ADHD Awareness Month, and this condition can affect millions of children and adults. When a child exhibits overactive behaviors, the inability to sit still, decreased focus on homework and short attention spans, parents and teachers may believe their child has ADHD. However, a vision problem could be present. Once identified, vision issues can be treated with vision therapy, glasses, or both.

Does your child have ADHD?

In order to determine what attributes to the symptoms of ADHD, it’s important to diagnose if there is a vision issue. Children can be misdiagnosed with ADHD when their apparent struggles to focus on homework or the task at hand is related to their vision and not an attention disorder. They may have a correctable vision problem, and, the good news is, Vision For Life and Success can help. In cases where ADHD is diagnosed, vision therapy is also effective in treating its symptoms.

The similar symptoms of a vision problem and ADHD.

Symptoms of a vison problem may include hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and a short attention span. If your child is easily distracted when sitting down to read or do work, the symptoms can be misconstrued as ADHD. Children can pass a basic eye exam and still have an undetected vision problem. Why? Because the vision problems your child may have can often cause the same symptoms associated with an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Vision problems that share ADHD symptoms.

Some of the more common vision problems that have similar symptoms to ADHD include:

  • Tunnel vision: This is restricted peripheral vision that can affect reading because individuals can only focus on one word at a time. Scanning ahead to the next word or page can be difficult. With tunnel vision, reading and near work can take longer and become frustrating. Studies have indicated there is an incidence of tunnel vision in people who have also been diagnosed with ADHD.
  • Convergence Insufficiency (CI): Nearly 20 percent of individuals are affected with convergence insufficiency, which is a struggle to converge eyes together to read or complete near work. This can cause discomfort, blurry vision, as well as contribute to making the individual lose concentration and become distracted. Studies do show that approximately 90% of children diagnosed with ADHD have Convergence Insufficiency (CI) which can be treated with Syntonics and Vision Therapy.
  • Eye Teamwork and Focusing: Many children (and adults) don’t realize they have tracking disorders, eye teamwork issues or focusing problems as they read or do near work. The vision conditions can have symptoms that mimic ADHD, causing frustration in individuals that are struggling with their vision disorder.

Did you know that more than 11 percent of children in the United States are considered to have ADHD, and roughly 90 percent of those children diagnosed with ADHD have vision problems? If your child is suffering from the symptoms listed or was diagnosed with ADHD, contact us at (618) 288-1489. Our individualized programs are successful in treating vision problems in children and adults. You can also learn more at