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Did You Know Vision-Related Issues Can be Genetic?

Vision-Related Issues Can be Genetic

Vision-Related Issues Can be GeneticWere you lucky enough to inherit your dad’s sense of humor and your mom’s perfect smile? There are many traits that can be passed on from generation to generation, whether it’s your parent’s natural athletic ability, their artistic prowess, or even their hair color. We also know that some health conditions can be passed down to each generation, and this includes vision-related issues. If you have a family history of a binocular vision condition, you may have inherited it.

If you or a loved one has a family history of strabismus, amblyopia, or convergence insufficiency, it’s time to contact Vision For Life for a comprehensive developmental vision exam. If there is a history of a vision problem in your family, a typical eye examination will only conduct a standard screening exam. At Vision For Life, we are able to properly diagnose binocular vision problems and then recommend, if necessary, an appropriate treatment plan that is non-invasive and very effective.

Binocular vision problems are evident when both eyes are not working properly together. Some patients come see us for an evaluation and were never properly diagnosed previously yet had symptoms of a binocular vision-related issue. These symptoms may include:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Poor balance
  • Double vision
  • Blurred vision
  • Nausea
  • Poor depth perception
  • Light sensitivity

You may have only one of the symptoms above or you may have several. At Vision For Life, we offer a comprehensive vision exam by a developmental optometrist that specializes in vision therapy. An exam also includes a visual skills evaluation as well to determine if the eyes are aligned and working together.

Binocular vision problems can be inherited as we age whereas some individuals are born with vision-related issues. Injuries may have also occurred to affect a patient’s vision. Concussions, strokes or neurological disorders can often cause vision issues as well. The over-use of “screen-time” can also contribute to binocular problems that may already exist. Whether you have a vision-related issue due to genetics or an injury, Vision For Life can help.

If you suspect that you or someone you love is having a binocular vision issue that includes amblyopia (lazy eye), strabismus (cross-eyes/wandering eye) or convergence insufficiency (eyes not working in unison when viewing nearby objects), contact Vision For Life. We work with a variety of vision conditions and patients of all ages. We can help you or someone you love with our specialized visual treatments. Visit our website to see all of the services we offer at call us at 618-288-1489.