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Why Vision Therapy Isn’t Just About Eyes

vision therapy

vision therapyDid you know that certain visual skills are an absolute must when trying to succeed in reading, sports, and learning? It’s true! Everything from depth perception to eye movement, gross and fine motor skills, and overall eye movement control are some of the factors involved in a person’s vision. If you notice a problem in your child’s learning or ability to play a sport that he/she loves, it may be time to consider scheduling an appointment at Vision For Life.

Visual acuity and the perception that as long as a person’s “20/20” vision is good, then everything else regarding their sight must be good too, right? Well, healthy vision goes beyond being able to see a blackboard from 20-feet away! Today, in a world with most time spent on computers and devices in hand, perfect vision includes all areas of vision and many are shocked to know that vision therapy isn’t just about the eyes.

For example, if a child has been told their eyes are healthy and their vision is good, yet are still struggling in school or on the ball field, it’s time to consider vision testing at Vision For Life. Our goal is not to strengthen eye muscles (they are already incredibly strong), but to retrain the learned aspects of vision through a customized program that’s right for the patient. Our comprehensive exam also checks for disease and other conditions of the eye, along with any diseases of the body that can be diagnosed through the eye exam.

At Vision For Life, we test the ability to focus at all distances, as well as focus for reading, eye movement control, word tracking across a page, and how the eyes work together in unison. We can evaluate depth perception, peripheral vision, fine and gross visual motor skills, and visual perception. Special needs patients may also benefit from vision therapy if they’ve received a neuro-optometric diagnosis.

Vision therapy can help patients at any age achieve excellent results, including those with visual processing problems or developmental vision problems. If a patient is having trouble making sense of what they are seeing, the issue isn’t about their eyesight but with the way the brain is processing visual information. Another condition called strabismus is typically caused by a defective neurological signal involved with muscles, not necessarily weak eye muscles.

Statistics show that more than 80% of what we learn is visual, with the brain and eyes working together as the control center for much of the body. This involves the flow and processing of information from the eyes to the brain to the other systems of the body. An illness or injury not only can disrupt a person’s vison, but also their comprehension, memory and motor skills. At Vision For Life, we can treat a variety of conditions that go beyond a person’s vision concerns.

Our expert staff believes your overall health and well-being is so important, especially if you are noticing visual problems. Making an appointment with us for an eye exam, one that goes beyond a standard vision test, is an important step in seeing clearly again. It’s never too late to receive an evaluation and get treatment. Give us a call now at 618-288-1489 or find us online at